Motivational Quote About Reality of Life | Real Life Quote In Urdu

Motivational Quote About Reality of Life | Reality

ہم لاحاصل کو روتے

اور حاصل کو رُلاتے ہیں

Hum Lahasil Ko Rolaty 
Aur Hasil Ko Rulaty Ha


* Whether you agree or not, we have all been ignoring the harsh realities of life for a long time. Although we are technologically advanced, we are traveling back in time to find the true meaning of life.

We all have a bit of a stereotype when it comes to accepting reality. We are not harmed more than the truth. And as we progress, we learn more ways to ignore reality.

* Many people spend every waking moment of their lives in the past, wanting to overdo it and make things different again. We are engrossed in our own sorrows and worry about the things we have said or done with ourselves and others.

But you know what? It doesn't matter anymore. It's done and with it, then why waste another precious moment worrying about it?

When you are aligned with your past, you can start living for the present and start planning for the future.

Learn from the past. Then move on.


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